Approximately a week after you send out your mailing, we start to receive orders that your mailing helped generate. We pay you a full 60% of the price on every order received from your mailings. Our data processing center then mails a check directly to you every Friday for the orders received from the prior week’s activity.
Customers are linked automatically to your I.D. code. You get paid 60% of the money each time a customer orders from the brochures plus bonuses, often over $100.00 per order.
Your earnings multiply quickly. You make money while you’re out shopping, you make money when you’re sleeping, you even make money when you’re on vacation! No other program pays you like this!
Beverly Hills Mailers Club personalized direct mail approach is designed to make you money right from the start. The more you mail the more you can earn. You can start with our sets of mailing supplies. After you process and mail them, you can request larger supply orders of mailing sets at anytime. To get started, there’s only the minimal cost of a one-time $68.95 registration fee…so little compared to a lifetime of income.
All you do is process the personalized mailings. Beverly Hills Mailers Club handles everything else, there’s no product to buy and handle, we’ve developed and tested all the promotional materials prior to your mailings, we handle the computer processing and all other shipping. You can process your mailings in your free time or even do this while you watch TV. You will be paid as an independent mailer so we do not deduct anything from your checks.